日期:2020-08-10 07:53:39
在一项新研究中,研究人员在北冰洋地区发现了29种PFAS化合物。这些化学物质包括一种新的化合物:HFPO-DA(商品名 GenX)。这种化合物已确定会引起癌症和其他健康问题的PFOA和PFOS的替代品。随后,这种化合物已被证明会引起健康问题。
In a new study, researchers identify 29 types of PFAS in the Arctic Ocean. The chemicals include a newer material, called HFPO-DA. It was created to replace old compounds (PFOA and PFOS) determined to cause cancer and other health problems. Subsequently, this material has been shown to cause health problems of its own.
PFAS are known as "forever chemicals" because it can take thousands of years for them to degrade. The substances stem from a variety of sources: household goods like food packaging and cookware, as well as industrial materials in manufacturing plants, airports, and military installations.
They are also, seemingly, everywhere: in the soil, air, water; our blood. The research, published on Wednesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, is the first evidence that the newer PFAS have even reached the Arctic.
为了追踪长期存在的化学物质,研究小组从弗兰姆海峡(Fram Strait)(大西洋与北冰洋的连接点,格陵兰岛和挪威群岛斯瓦尔巴特群岛之间)收集了水样。
To track the long-lasting chemicals, the study team collected water samples from Fram Strait, the connection point between the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. It runs between Greenland and the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard.
Higher levels of PFAS in the water were reported exiting the Arctic Ocean than entering the polar sea, indicating that the compounds are coming from the atmosphere, not the ocean itself. Snow and ice are likely retaining the compounds, the authors hypothesize.
研究人员还提出,“ 由于气候变化,常年冰川和积雪的减少”可能释放出几十年前沉积的PFAS,而这些物质在逐步淘汰之前就已经沉积了,这也许可以解释为什么同时发现了新型和旧型PFAS。这一假设反过来会印证这些化学物质来自北冰洋的想法。
The researchers also suggest that "the loss of perennial glacial mass and snow due to climate change" could release certain types of PFAS which were deposited decades ago, before the materials were phased out — which may explain why old and new PFAS were both found. That hypothesis would, in turn, reinforce the idea that the chemicals are coming from the Arctic Ocean.
Previous attempts to rein in PFAS in the environment have, so far, come up short.
In the early 2000s, researchers publicized the fact that PFAS cause health problems and are practically ubiquitous. The substances have been found in polar bear blood and other wildlife in remote parts of the planet.
In response, those materials were phased out. A subsidiary of the chemical company DuPont began to make a new compound to replace retired PFAS, sold under the commercial name GenX. Also called HFPO-DA, it is still being manufactured today — used in paint, outdoor fabrics, and firefighting foam.
But further research has shown that GenX is also harmful. Studies in animals have demonstrated that oral exposure can cause health issues in the kidney, blood, immune system, developing fetus, and liver, the Environmental Protection Agency reports.
And now, HFPO-DA has made its way to the Arctic Ocean. Instead of fixing the issue of PFAS, it has amplified environmental troubles, as both generations of chemicals circulate the globe. The study authors describe it as "a compound of global environmental concern and it should be evaluated with regard to future regulations."